Thursday, August 2, 2012

The “Gangs of Vasepur” and The other Gangs of India or other Gangs on Globe like CBI or FBI or KGB!

                                     The “Gangs of Vasepur” and The other Gangs of India
                                        or other Gangs on Globe like CBI or FBI or KGB !


जब भी कोई मछर काटता है तो एहसास होता है की अभी हम उस खाद्य श्रंखला से उतना ऊपर नहीं हैं जितना की हम अपने को समझते हैं !

Did you saw the movie “The Gangs of Vasepur” ? If we forgive Mr. Anurag for some littlie mistakes , than the movie is very good – I give 4 star of 5.
Now the other side of coin –The other Gangs of India! Like political parties , Congress Party of India or BJP or SP or BSP Etc.  NGO`S, and the inventors of India – sorry – poor inventors of India and rich NGO`S for help them but not able to help. Even Prof. Anil Gupta of IIMA with NATIONAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION OF INDIA or Sam Pitroda of planning commission of India or Dr. A.P.J. Kalam Sahib – Anna Hazare and Party - all are just not able to help poor inventors of India, THE FUNDAMENTEL PEOPLES OF INDIA – WHO ARE ABLE TO SOLV THE MAXIMAM PROBLEMS OF EARTH- GLOBE, and I know well because I am also a poor innovator of India! All are include -- the poor inventors of India are also a different kind of “The other Gangs of India”!
And now the third side of coin – वो कहावत तो आपने सूनी ही होगी की चित भी अपनी पट भी अपनी और खड़ा सिक्का अपने बाप का ! Mr. Anna Hazare also want that, the all side of coin.
Why they are not able? And the answer is very simple – that they just don’t want. Policies they make – not workable , Law they make – not effective – and efforts they don’t do. And as the movie “The Gangs of Vasepur” said - they all are flying with one hand and the other hand is still busy for there so called reputations. The very conmen and natural thing is that every buddy think for his or her own self – and it is good also, but neglecting of innovators is like you are neglecting your own mother – father. And this is not happening only in India – all over the globe it is continuously happening from Write Brothers, Addison, James Watt and Albert Einstein to till today.
But no buddy listing - and just look to CBI or FBI or KGB – the al-Qaida or lashkre teybaa or Hizbul Mujahidin are more impressive and innovative too, and I am still thinking that – are they realy terrist ? ------ or “BAAGI” ----- as movie “Paan Singh Tomer” said, even the so called MAOVAADI`S are just “BAAGI”, and stupidly our Home Ministry of India thinks the Gun and Bullets are the best solution,
If Governments of all the Globe, NGO`S, DST and Mr. Anna Hazaare or Prof. Anil Gupta from IIMA with NATIONAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION OF INDIA or Mr. Sam Pitroda type men’s are not interested then what can I do ?
I always mention this line - 
" The Problems That Exist in The World Today Can Not Be Solved By The
   Level of Thinking That Created Them "
Agastya Narain Shukla    

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